The updated Book effect package now lets you set the size of the book
Width: The width of the book in units
Height: The height of the book in units
Thickness: The thickness of the book when closed
Cover Thickness: The thickness of the book cover
Hardback: Not used yet, for future use!
Edge Gap: Gap between the pages and the edge of the book
Page Turn Style: How the page looks when it turns
Cover Inner: Inside cover material
Cover Outter: The book outside material
Inside Back Page: Inside page right side
Inside Front Page: Inside page left side
Pages: Edge of the book. (pages)
Pages: Allow you to add as many textures as needed.
Starting Page: Sets the starting page when the book opens
Start Speed: Set the speed of the animation
When you are ready Click on the
Build Book button to create the book

When built, you can use the
Open and Close Buttons to view the book open and closedEach time you change a value above you will need to rebuild the book.We also have more options to help with defining the Book Cover, which we will talk about later.